Friday, June 1, 2007

Introducing the Boss of the Family

Rambo came to us as a 4 week old kitten in February 1994. Since then has told us when he wants feeding, when he wants to come in and go out, when he wants to be patted and when he has had enough with a left hook from his paw. Yes he indeed is the boss of this house. Meow Meow Meow when we come home until he has had his dinner. We have to wait for ours, Yes indeed CATS RULE !!!!!!!! You do look awfully cute thought Rambo sitting on our front lawn


Tarnz said...

Who was it that thought his name was Rainbow? Far from it, definately a RAMBO who has caught me out many times with his left hook! Bloody cat.

ninapeter said...

The Japanese students couldn't say Rambo very well and thought his name was rainbow