Thursday, June 21, 2007

Winter Wonderland or Optical Illusion???

Other members of the family are
interested in horses so this photo
will be of special interest for them.
Clever isn't it????

Winter time in Switzerland

Terry went for a trip to Europe and spent all of the winter in the winter wonderland of the Swiss Mountains covered in heaps of snow. What a wonderful time he had snowboarding to his hearts content. Now back home here there is no snow on the doorstep and so he has to be content with a skateboard or a sand board. Of course there is always surfing when it is warm enough!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Winter Time

Today is the shortest day down under and the longest day up the top of the globe. They are celebrating summertime while we are having to think of things to do in our winter time to have fun. No snow in the North of our country so we will have to do other activities. Lots of sports and tramping and indoor soup parties perhaps????
Reading could be good too???? Any other suggestions????? Passive sport of course watching rugby and netball and our Team Emirates in the Americas Cup Sailing beginnin this Saturday. GO TEAM NEW ZEALAND

Sharing a Smile


A Highway Policeman pulled alongside a speeding car on the

freeway. > Glancing at the car, he was astounded to see that

the blonde behind the wheel was knitting!!!!

Realising that she was oblivious to his flashing lights and siren

the trooper cranked down his window, turned on his bullhorn

and yelled, "PULL>OVER!"

>"NO!" the blonde yelled back, "IT'S A SCARF!"

Now I hope this made you smile.

Enjoy life to the fullest.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Introducing the Boss of the Family

Rambo came to us as a 4 week old kitten in February 1994. Since then has told us when he wants feeding, when he wants to come in and go out, when he wants to be patted and when he has had enough with a left hook from his paw. Yes he indeed is the boss of this house. Meow Meow Meow when we come home until he has had his dinner. We have to wait for ours, Yes indeed CATS RULE !!!!!!!! You do look awfully cute thought Rambo sitting on our front lawn